before being distributed the ballots shall be so folded in marked
creases that the width and length of the ballots when folded shall
be uniform, and of proper width to be placed without difficulty
in the ballot-boxes now provided by law; on the back and outside
shall be printed the words "Official Ballot For," followed by the
designation of the polling-place for which it is prepared, the date
of the election, and a fac-simile of the signature of the president
or presiding officer of the board of supervisors of election by
whom the ballot has been prepared.
138. It shall be the duty of the secretary of State at least thirty
days before the first election, at which any of the ballots provided
for in the preceding section can be used, to cause to be prepared
To furnish
and transmitted to said respective boards of supervisors, sample
printed forms of ballots for their assistance in the preparation of
the ballots by them, and also prepare and cause to be printed in
clear, large type on separate cards, to be called cards of instruc-
tions, at the expense of the State, and transmit to said respective
boards of supervisors, full instructions for the guidance of voters
as to obtaining ballots, the manner of marking them, the method
of gaining assistance, and the manner of obtaining new ballots
in place of those accidentally spoiled, together with copies of
sections one hundred and sixty-two to one hundred and sixty-six,
inclusive, to the number of ten for each polling-place.
139. Any person whose name has been presented as a candidate
for any office may cause his name to b'e withdrawn from nomina-
May with
tion by request in writing signed by him and acknowledged before
an officer qualified to take acknowledgments of deeds, filed with
the, secretary of State or clerk, as the case may be, before he shall
have transmitted the names of the nominees, or thereafter with
the officers by whom ballots for such office are to be prepared at
any time before the ballots have been prepared, and no name so
withdrawn shall be printed upon the ballots.
140. All ballots when printed shall be folded as hereinbefore
provided and fastened together in convenient numbers in packages,
books or blocks, in such manner that each ballot may be attached
Record to
and removed separately; a record of the number of ballots printed
be kept
and furnished for each polling-place shall be kept and preserved.
by the said boards of supervisors of election respectively; said
record shall be retained in their respective offices for six months
after each election, with reference to which it was made, and shall
then be destroyed, unless a contest shall have occurred with res-
pect to some office embraced therein, when the same shall be pre-
served until said contest shall be ended.
141. There shall be provided for each voting place, at which an
election is to be held, two sets of such ballots, each of not less
than one hundred for every fifty, or fraction of fifty registered
voters therein, and it shall be the duty of the registers of voters