Code of Public Local Laws, title " Dorchester county," sub-title
To repeal.
"Jail," be and the same is hereby repealed, and the following en-
acted in lieu thereof :
SEC. 191. The president of the county commissioners of Dor-
chester county, the county treasurer and the State's attorney for
said county, for the time being, shall act as jail supervisors for
Jail super-
said county without pay; they shall have supervision and control
of the jail and adjoining grounds, with the right of visiting and
inspecting the same at any and all times; they shall pass and en-
force all necessary rules for the protection of the health, clean-
liness and comfort of the inmates, and for the regulation of all
matters connected with the general management of said jail, and
all persons sentenced to confinement in said jail, either by the cir-
cuit court for said county, or by any justice of the peace of the
State of Maryland, in and for said county, and all persons com-
mitted to said jail and confined therein in default of payment of
any fine imposed, shall be subject, during the time of such con-
To work.
finement, to work upon the public roads of said county, or on the
streets of the town of Cambridge, or such other manual labor and
work as they may be required to do by the said jail supervisors;
and the said jail supervisors are hereby empowered to make such
by-laws, rules and regulations as they may think necessary and
proper, for the clothing, regulation, management, control and con-
duct of such prisoners while engaged at the work or labor assigned
them by said jail supervisors, or by the town commissioners of
Cambridge, when hired to and in the employ of said town com-
missioners, and any such person who shall refuse to perform the
work assigned him, or be guilty of any act of insubordination or
misconduct, such person shall be punished by the sheriff of said
county, or his duly appointed deputy or special deputy, as the
rules and regulations prescribed by said jail supervisors shall pro-
vide; and the said jail supervisors are hereby authorized and em-
May hire.
powered, in their discretion, to hire out for some useful employ-
ment all persons sentenced to said jail, or committed and confined
therein, in default of payment of fines imposed upon them as
hereinbefore provided, upon such terms as may be agreed upon,
and the sheriff of said county, or his deputies or special deputies,
shall guard said persons while engaged at work under this act,
and while going to and returning from such work, and shall re-
ceive such compensation therefor as may be allowed by said jail
supervisors; and said jail supervisors may allow a deduction of
five days' from each month, of the period of every person com-
mitted or sentenced as aforesaid, if he shall labor with diligence
and fidelity, and shall not be guilty of a violation of the discipline
or any of the rules thereof.
SEC. 2. Ana be it enacted, That this act shall take effect from
the date of its passage.
Approved April 8, 1890.