in any tributaries of the Eastern bay within the jurisdictional
limits of Queen Anne's county that is less than one hundred
yards wide, without the permission of the owner of the land bor-
dering on same first had and obtained, and any one violating this
section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction shall
be fined not exceeding twenty dollars, and on failure or refusal
to pay said fine shall be committed to the county jail for a period
not exceeding ten days, or until fine and costs are paid.
175 A. It shall be the duty of the deputy commander of the
oyster police force in the waters of the Eastern bay in cases com-
ing under his observation, or on information, to enforce this law
with all the means at his command by the arrest of any person
or persons violating its provisions, and by the seizure of the boat,
tackle, seine, net or other contrivance, and to carry such person
or persons so by him arrested, before the nearest justice of the
peace of Queen Anne's county for trial as aforesaid, and to hold
the said boat, tackle, seine, net or other contrivance subject to
the order of the justice of the peace.
176 A. The constables of Queen Anne's county on observation
or information are required to enforce this law by the arrest of
any and all persons found violating the provisions of the same,
and by the seizure of the boat, tackle, seine, net or other con-
trivance as provided in section one hundred and seventy-five A,
to be done by the deputy commander of the oyster police force
the said person or persons and said boat, tackle, seine, pound-net,
gill-net or other contrivance to be dealt with as in section one
hundred and seventy-five A provided.
177 A. That nothing in this act shall be construed to prevent
any person from catching fish at any time in the aforesaid waters
with hook and line, or any person from catching, capturing or
Home use.
taking fish for family or home use; provided, in the last named
case said person be a bona fide resident of Queen Anne's county,
as hereinbefore provided.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect from
the date of its passage.
Approved April 8, 1890.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That section one hundred and ninety-one, of article ten, of the