leges in this act particularly enumerated, all other general powers,
provisions and privileges conferred by the general incorporation
laws of this State upon companies duly incorporated under the
same, and shall be subject to the general regulations in such law ;
provided, except in so far as altered by the provisions of this act,
or of any by-law or regulation of said company adopted in lawful
pursuance of the grant of powers hereby given.
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That said company may enter
upon, grade, occupy and use any public road or highway in said
county for the purposes aforesaid, so, however, as not to prevent
To use
the free and convenient travel over such road by any citizen; and
they are further authorized to acquire such rights of way on the
fee of lands as they may find needful or advantageous to the con-
struction and operation of such railway line or lines by purchase,
gift, grant or condemnation in the manner provided by law for
acquisition of private property for public use.
SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That said company, subject
however, to the constitutional right of amendment and repeal, shall
have perpetual continuance.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, Tnat this act shall take effect from
the date of its passage.
Approved April 8, 1890.
AN ACT to add additional sections to article thirteen, of the Code
of Public Local Laws of this State, title " Harford county,"
sub-title "Wild Fowl," to be designated " Sections three hun-
dred and sixteen, three hundred and seventeen and three hun-
dred and eighteen.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
To add
That the following sections be and they are hereby added to ar-
ticle thirteen, of the Code of Public Local Laws of this State,
title "Harford county," sub-title "Wild fowl," to be designated
respectively as hereinafter set forth.
316. All that part of the waters of the Chesapeake bay lying
northward and westward of a line drawn from Sandy point on the
easterly shore of Spesutia island to the most southeasterly point
of Taylor's island, and eastward and southward of a line drawn
with the shore of Spesutia island and of the mainland and one
hundred yards out into the bay therefrom, (not including any
part of the waters of Spesutia narrows, nor of any creek or tribu-
tary of said bay,) shall hereafter be subject to the operation of