20. To St. Mary's orphan asylum of Baltimore, the sum of five
thousand dollars for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-
St. Mary's
one, and the like sum of five thousand dollars for the fiscal year
eighteen hundred and ninety-two.
21. To St. Mary's industrial school, the sum of fifteen thousand
St. Mary's
dollars for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-one, and
the like amount of fifteen thousand dollars for the fiscal year
eighteen hundred and ninety-two.
22. To the Maryland general hospital, the sum of thirty-seven
hundred and fifty dollars for the fiscal year eighteen hundred
and ninety-one, and the like sum of thirty-seven hundred and
fifty dollars for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-two,
said appropriation to be used in accordance with chapter one hun-
dred and seventy-nine, acts of assembly eighteen hundred and
23 To the "Western Maryland college, the sum of thirteen
hundred dollars for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-
one, and the like sum of thirteen hundred dollars for the fiscal
year eighteen hundred and ninety-two; said appropriations to be
used in accordance with chapter four hundred and ninety-nine,
acts of assembly eighteen hundred and eighty-six.
24. To the Maryland agricultural college, the sum of six
thousand dollars for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-
Md. Ag.
one, and the like sum of six thousand dollars for the fiscal year
eighteen hundred and ninety-two.
25. To the Baltimore city hospital, the sum of five thousand
dollars annually for two years; provided, that the said Baltimore
city hospital shall furnish one bed, maintenance and treatment
for one patient at a time from each senatorial district of the State
Balto, city
of Maryland during two years from the date of the passage of
this act; provided, that the said Baltimore hospital shall furnish
one bed, maintenance and treatment for one patient at a time for
each senatorial district of the State during two years from the
date of the passage of this act.
26. To the visitors of the asylum and training school for feeble-
minded of the State of Maryland, the sum of five thousand dol-
Asy. for
lars annually for the year eighteen hundred and ninety-one and
the year eighteen hundred and ninety-two.
27. To the faculty of physic of the university of Maryland for
the use of the Baltimore infirmary, thirty-seven hundred and
fifty dollars annually for two years; provided, that the said Bal-
timore infirmary shall furnish one bed, maintenance and treat-
Faculty of
ment for one patient at a time for each senatorial district of the
State during two years from the date of the passage of this act;
providing that said hospital shall furnish to the comptroller
satisfactory evidence that it has so received, maintained and