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Session Laws, 1890
Volume 396, Page 490   View pdf image (33K)
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Local Laws, entitled "Carroll county," sub-title "Taneytown," be

and the same is hereby repealed and re-enacted so as to read as

follows :

SEC. 154. A majority of the commissioners shall have power to

enact and pass all laws and ordinances not inconsistant with the

laws of this State, of said county or this act, as they may deem

wise or expedient for the comfort, health, order, property, peace

and convenience of said town and the inhabitants thereof; to

open and establish, grade, curb, pave and repair such roads,

streets, lanes and alleys as have been or may be laid out for that

purpose; to prevent and remove nuisances; to provide against

Powers of

fires, and for the extinguishment of the same; regulate fire com-


panies; to provide for the safety of houses, buildings and chim-

neys from fire; to prevent the discharge of explosive materials;

to regulate party walls and division fences; require license to keep
dogs and bitches and to regulate their running at large; to pre-

vent and regulate the going at large of beasts, cattle, sheep and

hogs; to restrain or regulate public amusements, entertainments

or exhibitions, and to license the same; to restrain disorders, dis-

turbances and immoralities; to make, repair or keep in order, the

roads, streets, lanes, foot-ways and alleys of the said town, and

the drains, sewers and culverts thereof, and to build or secure a

place of confinement for persons charged or convicted of violating

the laws and ordinances for the suppression of vice and im-

morality and disorder.


SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect from

the date of its passage.

Approved April 8, 1890.


AN ACT to extend the privileges and enlarge the powers of the

mutual loan and savings institution of Baltimore city, incor-

porated under article twenty-three, of the Public General Laws

of this State.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,

That Eolaiido P. Smith, of Baltimore city, Thomas Todd, of Bal-

timore city, Isaac Guggenheimer, of Baltimore city, Jack Q. H.

Smith, of Westminster, Maryland, J. Greaner Binford, of Balti-

To Incor-

more city, John R. Bland, of Baltimore city and J. Frank Supplee,

of Baltimore city, and their successors in office, be and they are

hereby further constituted and incorporated as hereinafter set

forth, under the name and style of the mutual loan and savings

institution of Baltimore city, now a corporation duly incorporated

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Session Laws, 1890
Volume 396, Page 490   View pdf image (33K)
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