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Session Laws, 1890
Volume 396, Page 486   View pdf image (33K)
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AN ACT to provide for copying an index to wills, and the in-

dexing of certain records in the office of the register of wills for

Anne Arundel county.

WHEREAS, there is in the office of the register of wills for Anne

Arundel county, a general index to the wills recorded in the said


office since seventeen hundred and seventy-seven, which is now in

a dilapidated condition, and should be copied in a new and sub-

stantial book, and there are also several books containing inven-

tories and sales and guardians accounts, dating respectively from.

seventeen hundred and seventy-seven and seventeen hundred and

ninety-one, to which there are no general indexes, but which should

be indexed.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,

That the register of wills for Anne Arundel county be and he is

hereby authorized and empowered to copy and revise the general'

To index.

indices to the wills' record book in said office, beginning with the

year seventeen hundred and seventy-seven, and also to make a

general index or general indices of the several aforesaid books in

said office, containing inventories and sales and guardian ac-

counts, dating respectively from the year seventeen hundred and

seventy, seventeen hundred and seventy-seven and seventeen hun-

dred and ninety-one.

SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the expenses of making said

copy and indices shall be paid by Anne Arundel county, and the

county commissioners for said county are hereby authorized and


required to levy such or sums of money as may be necessary to

pay the register of wills the expenses of making said copies and

indices, which said expenses shall be as follows: for copying and

revising the general index to wills he shall be allowed the sum of

one hundred dollars, and for making indices of the guardians' ac-

counts and inventories and sales, at the rate of ten cents for each

one hundred words, as in other cases of transcribing, and the costs

of the books into which said copy and indices shall be made.

Approved April 3, 1890.


AN ACT to prohibit the granting of licenses for the sale of
spirituous or fermented liquors or lager beer in or within two
miles of the village of "Glen Burnie," in Anne Arundel county.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,

That hereafter it shall not be lawful for the clerk of the circuit


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Session Laws, 1890
Volume 396, Page 486   View pdf image (33K)
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