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Session Laws, 1890
Volume 396, Page 426   View pdf image (33K)
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3. That any failure to comply with any or all of the conditions


provided in section two of this act, shall he punishahle by a fine

of one hundred dollars ($100) for the first offense, and of two

hundred dollars ($200) for every subsequent offense.

4. That any person, firm or company selling or offering for sale

any fertilizer in this State, or intending so to do and not licensed

by the comptroller as provided by this act, shall on or before the

Those not

thirty-first day of July in each and every-year send his or their


name or names, with postoffice address, and the names of the

kinds, brands and trade-marks, and of the manufacturer, importer

or manipulator of each fertilizer sold or proposed to be sold, to

the Maryland agricultural college, and the same shall be regis-

tered in suitable books kept for that purpose; and any failure to

comply with the provisions of this section shall be punishable by

a fine of twenty-five dollars ($25) for the first offense, and of fifty

dollars ($50) for every subsequent offense.

5. That it shall be the duty of the Maryland agricultural col-

lege to analyze, without cost or charge, all samples of fertilizers

sent to it for the purpose of being analyzed, by any person or per-

sons purchasing or procuring the same in this State, for his or

their use or uses; provided, such samples are taken and sent as

described by this act, and free of cost of transportation to said

college, and it shall be the duty of the Maryland agricultural

college to procure samples, as far as practicable in every year, of

all the fertilizers sold and used in this State, for the purpose of


analyzing the same, and any duly authorized agent or represen-

ral college

tative of said college shall have the light to take samples as pro-

vided by the act, from any lot or parcel of fertilizer in transitu,

or in the possession or keeping of any manufacturer, manipulator,

dealer or agent, and sold or offered for sale in this State; and it

shall be the duty of the Maryland agricultural college to send the

result of every analysis of a sample of fertilizer to the person from

whom such sample was taken or received, and also to publish

from time to time the results of the analysis made by the said

college of the samples sent to or procured by it for such purpose ;
and it shall be the duty of the Maryland agricultural college,

when reporting or publishing the result of any analysis made, to

state the commercial value in dollars and cents, of the fertilizer

so analyzed, per ton of two thousand pounds, such value to be

based upon the analysis made by the college, and upon a stand-

ard of valuation to be ascertained, fixed and published by said

college annually, after conference with the proper of adjacent


6. That all samples of fertilizers for analysis at the Maryland

agricultural college shall be taken from unbroken packages that

have, not been injured in transitu or by exposure, and when in the

possession of purchasers within thirty days after coming into their

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Session Laws, 1890
Volume 396, Page 426   View pdf image (33K)
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