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Session Laws, 1890
Volume 396, Page 425   View pdf image (33K)
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shall be rated upon the amount contemplated to be sold, as fol-

lows : for one hundred tons or less, five dollars; for every addi-

tional one hundred tons or parts thereof, three dollars additional,

said license to be prepared and furnished by the comptroller of

the treasury, and to be issued from the first day of May to the

first day of January following, in each year, and to be good until


the next succeeding first day of May; provided, that when any

such importer, manufacturer or manipulator shall have taken out

a license as herein provided, it shall not be necessary for any other

person, as his agent or representative, to take out a license to sell

the fertilizers provided for by the party who has taken out such

license; and provided, further, that if any person, firm or com-

pany shall sell or dispose of in any one year, a larger quantity

than the number of tons contemplated in the application for the

license, he or they shall return to the comptroller, under oath, a

statement of such excess sold, and shall also pay to the State the

money due for such excess sold, to be rated at five dollars for

every additional one hundred tons or parts thereof.

(2.) Every bag, barrel or package of fertilizer, and every parcel

or lot, if sold in bulk, must bear in legible print or be accom-

panied by a clear and true statement showing the net pounds of

fertilizer in the package or lot, the name, brand or trademark

under which the fertilizer is sold, the name and address of the


importer, manufacturer or manipulator, the place of manufacture


or manipulation, and a chemical analysis stating the per centum

of the minimum and only the minimum contained therein of ni-

trogen, at its equivalent in available ammonia, of potash soluble in

distilled water and of available phosphoric acid, the same based

upon an allowance for variation of one per centum in ammonia

and the same in potash and one and one-half in available phosphoric

acid, and in connection with such mark or statement, the letters

A, V and M shall be added and used to truly indicate whether the

ammonia, potash or phosphoric acid has been derived respectively

from animal (A), vegetable (V) or mineral (M), substances or


(3.) The importer, manufacturer or manipulator shall deliver a

fair sample of not less than two pounds of every fertilizer bearing

a distinct brand, name or trade-mark, sealed in a glass jar or bot-

tle to the Maryland agricultural college, the same carefully marked
within and without for identification and accompanied by a cer-


tified copy of the marks or statement required by paragraph (2)

of this section; dealers or agents selling or offering fertilizer not

already licensed and registered by the manufacturer, importer or

manipulator, shall furnish and deliver the sample and statement

above required, a register of such samples when received and a re-

cord of the accompanying statements shall be kept in suitable

books at the office of the Maryland agricultural college.

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Session Laws, 1890
Volume 396, Page 425   View pdf image (33K)
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