SEC. 13. That there shall be an annual meeting of the stock-
holders for choice of directors, to be holden at such time and
place and under such conditions and upon such notice as the said
company in their by-laws prescribe, and said directors shall an-
nually make a report of their doings to the stockholders in
general meeting.
SEC. 14. That if any person or persons shall wilfully or un-
necessarily obstruct or impede the passage of the cars of said
railway, or destroy or injure the cars, depots, stations or other
property belonging to said rail way, the person or persons so offend-
ing shall forfeit and pay for each such offense a sum not exceed-
ing fifty dollars, to be recovered and disposed of as other fines and
penalties in said district and shall remain liable, in addition to
said penalty, for any loss or damages sustained by his, her or their
act as aforesaid; but no suit shall be brought unless commenced
within sixty days after such offense shall have been committed.
SEC. 15. That unless the said corporators shall commence work
within six months and complete their said railway to the city limits
within two years from and after the passage of this act, then this
act shall be null and void, and no rights whatever shall be ac-
quired under it.
SEC. 16. That this act shall take effect from the date of its pas-
Approved April 3, 1890.
AN ACT to provide a further supplement to an act entitled an
act to incorporate the Broadway and Locust Point steam ferry
company of Maryland, and to grant a right to borrow certain
sums of money and extend the time for the corporate existence
of the said corporation.
WHEREAS, by the act of eighteen hundred and sixty-eight,
chapter one hundred and eighty-seven, the Broadway and Locust
Point steam ferry company of Maryland was incorporated by the
General Assembly of Slaryland, and it is provided that the term
of existence of the said Broadway and Locust Point steam ferry
company of Maryland shall be for a period of twenty years from
the passage of the said act of Assembly; and
WHEREAS, by the act of General Assembly of Maryland passed
at the January session, eighteen hundred and seventy-six, a further
extension of twenty years was granted to the said company, and
authority was given for the erection and completion of two steam