AN ACT to sanction the devise by Hugh O'Connor of Baltimore
city, to the archbishop of Baltimore, James Cardinal Gibbons,
or his successors, of the residue of the testator's estate to be
used in the building of any Roman Catholic church in the city
of Baltimore he may propose or decide.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland
That the sanction and consent of said General Assembly, be and
the same is hereby given to the devise and bequests by Hugh
O'Connor, late of Baltimore city, deceased, to the archbishop of
To sanc-
Baltimore, James Cardinal Gibbons, or his successors, of the resi-
due of the said testator's estate to be used in the building of any
Roman Catholic church in the city of Baltimore he may propose
or decide.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved February 20, 1890.
AN ACT to exempt Carroll county from the operation and force
of chapter twenty-four, of the acts passed at the January ses-
sion, eighteen hundred and eighty, entitled an act to amend
section forty-two, sub-title "Drunkards," of article thirty, of
the Code of Public General Laws of this State, title "Crimes
and Punishments," and to re-enact the same as amended under
the sub-title of "Drunkenness," and to repeal section sixty-
eight, of article twenty-seven, of the Code of Public General
Laws, of Maryland so far as it applies to Carroll county.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted ly the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Carroll county be and the same is hereby exempt and re-
leased from the operation and force of chapter twenty-four, of the
acts passed at the January session, eighteen hundred and eighty,
entitled an act to amend section forty-two, sub-title "Drunkards,"
of article thirty, of the Code of Public General Laws of this.
State, title " Crimes and Punishments," and to re-enact the same
as amended under the sub-title of " Drunkenness," and that sec-
tion sixty-eight, of article twenty-seven, of the Code of Public
General .Laws of Maryland, be and the same is hereby repealed so
far as it applies to Carroll county.
Approved February 20, 1890.