AN ACT to abolish and forbid the collection of double rent in
Allegany county.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland
That no suit or action shall be maintained by any landlord, lessor
or person entitled to the possession of any lands, tenements, here-
ditaments, situate, lying and being in Allegany county, to recover
double the yearly value of such lands, tenements or hereditaments
from any tenant or tenants holding over after the determination
of his, her or their tenancy.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect from
the date of its passage.
Approved April 3, 1890.
AN ACT to authorize the paper board manufacturing company
of Baltimore city to issue bonds and to acquire, hold and use
property and rights for supplying water for its manufacturing
processes and for driving its machinery.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the paper board manufacturing company of Baltimore city,
a body corporate duly incorporated in accordance with the gen-
eral incorporation laws of this State, for the purpose of manu-
facturing paper board from straw and fibre, be and the same is
hereby authorized and empowered to borro\v money, if the same
is needed, to equip and complete its works, and to issue therefor
its bonds secured by mortgage of its property, and to obtain, pro-
vide and apply such supply of pure water as may be requisite for
its manufacturing processes, and such water power as may be
desired to provide motive power for its machinery, and to that end
said company shall be and it is hereby vested with authority to ac-
quire a suitable site on Herring run, in the vicinity of Baltimore
city near the Philadelphia turnpike, and to erect thereon a water
power; and said company shall have authority to acquire, hold
and use such real and personal property and rights and easements
and such title, rights, interests and easements in the bed, banks
and waters of Herring run, and any other streams as may be
proper to produce such supply of water and provide such water
power as they may desire, and to construct such dams, reservoirs,
conduits, race, channels, forebays and other works as may be requi-
site to produce such powers and deliver the same at the said site.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That in case said corporation cannot