iug of the levy; provided, said bonds shall not be sold for less
than par, and nothing in this section shall be construed as con-
flicting with section two hundred and ten, of aforesaid article
twenty-four, the tax provided for in this section being intended
as a special tax independent of the tax for general purposes.
SEC. 218. And be it enacted, That said commissioners shall
immediately on the passage of this act at their first meeting there-
after, and all newly elected boards of commissioners at their first
meeting after qualifying, elect a treasurer, whose term of office
shall be co-existent with the term of the board of commissioners
appointing him, who before entering upon the duties of his office
shall give bond to the commissioners with two or more good
securities in double the amount of money that will probably be
m his hands at any one time, with condition that he shall well
and faithfully execute the office of the treasurer of the board of
commissioners of Pocomoke city and perform the duties required
of him by law and the town ordinances, and make to the board
at the end of each quarter an itemized statement of all moneys
paid to him and paid out by him; that he shall be custodian of
the money raised on the above mentioned bonds, as well as all
moneys collected by the collector of town taxes, it being made
the duty of the said collector to pay to the said treasurer all
moneys collected by him from fines and forfeitures, dog-tax, tax
on shows and all other taxes at the end of each and every mouth
ami take his receipt for the same; that the said treasurer shall
receive the same and pay it out only upon the written order of
the board of town commissioners.
SEC. 219. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners shall
have power to establish grades upon the streets, gutters and side-
walks of said town, the width thereof, and prescribe the material
of which they shall be built, to cause the side-walks along said
public streets to be graded, paved, repaired or improved and curbs
to be set, at the cost and expense of the owners of the abutting
property, which cost and expense if not paid by the owners of said
property when said work is finished, shall be a lien on the abutt-
ing property and shall be recoverable and collected as the town
taxes of said Pocomoke city are now by law collectible, and shall
be due and collectible when the work is finished, or the said com-
missioners may compel by fines or otherwise, the owners or pro-
prietors of such property to grade, pave or repave the side-walks,
set curbs in front thereof agreeable to ordinances that may be
hereafter passed.
SEC. 220. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect from
the date of its passage.
Approved April 3, 1890.