name or names of such person or persons so last aforesaid drawn
to be inserted in the said venire facias to be summoned as afore-
said, and it shall be the duty of the said sheriff to summon the
persons named to make return thereof to said court at the open-
ing of its session; provided, however, that no person during any
calendar year shall serve as a drawn juror oftener than one term
of the court.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That on the first day of the term the
judges or judge present shall designate one person from the forty-
eight names so as aforesaid drawn to be foreman of the grand
jury, and after selecting the said foreman and causing the said
drawers or compartments to be emptied, the remaining forty-seven
names apportioned as near as may be to the several election dis-
tricts shall be deposited in the said drawers or compartments
from which they were respectively drawn, and the clerk shall in
presence of the court draw therefrom beginning with the first
election district twenty-two names which names together with the
foreman so as aforesaid selected shall constitute the grand jury,
and the remaining names shall constitute the petit jury; provided,
however, that the foreman shall constitute and be counted as one
in the apportionment for the election district in which he shall
reside, it being the meaning of this act that the grand jury shall
be divided as equally as may be between the election districts of
said county, and as soon as the grand jury shall have been drawn
the several drawers or compartments shall be emptied and the
tickets which were taken therefrom in order to provide for the
drawing of the grand jury shall be respectively returned to their
several drawers or compartments for future use in drawing the
juries of said court.
SEC. 5. And be it enarted, That the said judges or any one of
them shall have the same power to compel attendance of jurors
and shall proceed in all other matters not provided in the preced-
To compel
ing sections as under the general law relating to jurors.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect from
the date of its passage.
Approved February 28, 1890.