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Session Laws, 1890
Volume 396, Page 228   View pdf image (33K)
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fees therefor; but in all such cases the bailiff shall bring such

complaints before a justice of the peace.

SEC. 232. In the event of a vacancy in the office of justice of

the peace residents in the town, or in case of sickness, absence or

disability of the said justices, the hearing of the cases or transac-


tion of the business assigned to said justices by this charter may

be had before some other justice of the peace in and for Prince

George's county; and the mayor and city council of Laurel may

provide for the expenses so incurred.

SEC. 233. The bailiff shall perform such services as said mayor

and city council shall direct; he shall arrest and carry before a

justice of the peace for Prince George's county as provided in the


preceding section, to be dealt with as hereinbefore provided, any

person found breaking the peace or disturbing the quiet and order

of said town, or violating any of the ordinances made for securing

the safety of the property or the lives of the inhabitants of the


SEC. 234. The mayor and city council shall have power to

impose a license upon all circuses, menageries, theatrical exhi-

bitions and other shows and exhibitions for gain exhibiting



within the limits of the town, not exceeding twenty dollars for

each show or exhibition; provided, that this section shall not

apply to entertainments given for religious benefit or charitable

purposes, nor to entertainments given by the residents of the town

not for gain.

SEC. 236. The style of all ordinances shall be, "Be it enacted

and ordained by the mayor and city council of Laurel ;" all suits

at law for violation of any rules, ordinances, regulations and by-

laws shall be instituted in the name of the mayor and city council

of Laurel against offending parties, and all fines recovered in such


suits at law for the breach of any rule, ordinance, regulation or

by-law of the corporation, before any justice of Prince George's

county shall be collected by said justice and paid over to the

treasurer of said corporation within one month after the collec-

tion of the same; and the said justice shall render an account to

the mayor and city council every month, or oftener if required,

of the amount so received by him.

SEC. 237. There shall be elected annually by the voters in said

town and in the same manner, and possessing the same qualifica-

tions as the mayor, one person as supervisor, whose duty it shall


be to superintend the improvements of the town, and who shall

perform such other duties as the mayor and city council may

prescribe, and he shall be allowed such compensation as shall be

fixed by them, and in case of a vacancy in the said office, a new

election shall be ordered and held as in case of vacancies in the

office of mayor.

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Session Laws, 1890
Volume 396, Page 228   View pdf image (33K)
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