AN ACT to amend article four, section six hundred and ninety-
two, of the Code of Public Local Laws, title "Baltimore city,"
sub-title "Mortgages," so as to include goods and chattels in
the decrees for sales by consent.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That article four, section six hundred and ninety-two, of the
Code of Public Local Laws, title "Baltimore city," sub-title
"Mortgages," is hereby repealed and re-enacted so as to read as
follows :
SEC. 692. In all cases of conveyances of lands or hereditaments
or of chattels real, or goods and chattels personal, situate in the
said city, wherein the mortgagor shall declare his assent to the
passing of a decree for the sale of the same, it shall be lawful
for the mortgagee or his assigns at any time after filing the same
to be recorded, to submit to either of the circuit courts of Balti-
more city the said conveyances or copies thereof under seal of the
superior court, and the circuit court to which the same is so sub-
mitted, may thereupon forthwith decree that the mortgaged
premises shall be sold at any one of the periods limited in said
conveyances for the forfeiture of said mortgages or limited for a
default of the mortgagors, and on such terms of sale as to the
said court may seem proper, and shall appoint by said decree a
trustee or trustees for making such sale, and shall require bond
and security for the performance of the trust as is usual in cases
of sales of mortgaged premises.
Approved March 27, 1890.
AN ACT in relation to cruelty to animals.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That any person who wilfully sets on foot, instigates, engages in,
or in any ways furthers any act of cruelty to any animal, or any
act ten ding to produce such cruelty, or by any act, conduct, neglect,
or omission wilfully causes, permits or suffers any animal to
undergo any species of torture or cruelty shall be deemed guilty
of a misdemeanor.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the words torture or cruelty
shall be held to include everything whereby unjustifiable physical
pain suffering or death is caused or permitted, and the word
To define
animal shall be held to include every living creature except men.
Approved March 27, 1890.