public school funds, to reimburse Garrett county for in-
stalments of said fund withheld from said county, in the
years eighteen hundred and seventy-seven, eighteen hun-
dred and seventy-eight, and eighteen hundred and seven-
ty-nine and eighteen hundred and eighty......................
No. 364. An act to authorize the Mayor and City Council of
Baltimore to accept conveyances of and to hold certain
property lying on or near Charles street avenue, in Balti-
more county, as a public park....................................
No. 365. An act to appropriate the sum of three hundred
and ten dollars and twenty-two cents, to pay the claim of
Bartlett, Robbins & Co., against the State......................
No. 366. An act to repeal chapter thirty-nine of the acts of
eighteen hundred and seventy-two, entitled " An act to
provide for the repair and improvement of the public roads
in Calvert county," and to repeal chapter three hundred
and fifty-eight of the acts of eighteen hundred and seventy-
four, entitled "An act supplementary to an act passed at
the January session, eighteen hundred and seventy-two,"
entitled "An act to provide for the repair and improvement
of the public roads in Calvert county," and to enact a
substitute therefor....................................................
No. 367. An act to authorize and empower the County Com-
missioners of Carroll county to pay Isaac E. Pearson and
B. F. Crouse a sum of money not exceeding three hundred
dollars, for professional services rendered in defending
Josephine Johnson, indicted and tried for " infanticide " in
the Circuit Court for Carroll county, at May term, eighteen
hundred and seventy-eight..........................................
No. 369. An act to condemn, open, grade and construct
Fulton avenue from the north boundary line of Baltimore
city to the north-easternmost side of Druid Hill avenue at
Druid Hill Park, in Baltimore county..........................
No. 370. An act to permit the citizens of Queen Anne's
coxinty to shoot wild fowl from sink boxes in the waters of
Queen Anne's county................................................
No. 371. An act to appropriate a sum of money to pay the
claims of Littleton Dennis, George T. Melvin, I. M. Street,
Maryland Independent, Eph. G. Polk, A. J. Merrill, L. F.
Colton and Company, W. W. Busteed, Centreville Record,