eighty and eighteen hundred and eighty-one, to "F.
Knapp's English and German Institute, for the training
and education of indigent mutes..................................
No. 356. An act for the extension of the boundaries of the
town of Easton, Talbot county...................................
No. 357. An act to enable the Mayor and Council of Hagers-
town, Washington county, to refund the present overdue
bonded indebtedness of said town at a lower rate of interest
No. 358. An act to defray the costs and expenses in the con-
tested election case of Ignatius E. Mattingly versus John
N. Graves from St. Mary's county..............................
No. 359. An act to authorize the County Commissioners of
Baltimore county to levy, in the year eighteen hundred
and eighty, the sum of one thousand dollars, and to re-pay
the same to Columbus T. Shipley, and the sureties on his
bond, as tax collector for the year eighteen hundred and
seventy-five, for moneys erroneously paid by said sureties
into the treasury of Baltimore county on account of taxes
due by said Shipley for said year.................................
No. 360. An act to authorize the Inspector of Tobacco Ware-
house number three to pay and settle the claims of Clar-
ence C. Whiting and Henry R.. Hazelhurst, for storage on
tobacco deposited with them ......................................
No. 361. An act for the benefit of Western Maryland College
No. 362. An act to repeal chapter three hundred and twen-
ty-seven of the acts of eighteen hundred and seventy-
four, entitled " An act to repeal section one hundred and
ninety-two of chapter one hundred and fifty-four of the
acts of eighteen hundred and seventy-two, entitled 'An
act to amend the Public Local Laws of Prince George's
county,' by adding thereto additional sections, to come in
after section one hundred and eighty-two of article sixteen
of the Code of Public Local Laws, entitled ' Prince George's
county,' " imposing a tax on dogs, and appropriating a
portion of said taxes as a reward for killing foxes, and to
the support of schools in said county, and to re-enact the
same with amendments.............................................
No. 363. An act to appropriate four thousand eight hundred
and twenty-four dollars and seventy-five cents out of the