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Session Laws, 1880
Volume 395, Page 73   View pdf image (33K)
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securities, to be approved by the justice to the State

of Maryland, in double the amount of the tine im-

posed, with the condition to prosecute such appeal

with effect to the circuit court at its next session

thereafter, and to pay the fine imposed and all costs

attending such proceedings in case judgment shall

be confirmed.

SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That if any person

shall violate any of the provisions of this act, in re-

gard to the shooting of wild fowl, he shall, upon

conviction thereof before any justice of the peace

for Cecil or Kent counties, be fined not less than

fifty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, ex-

Fines speci-

cept as follows : Any one who shall shoot wild fowl


from a sink box, duly licensed as aforesaid, upon any

other day than those mentioned in section one of

this act, shall, upon conviction thereof before any

justice of the peace for Cecil or Kent counties, pay

a fine of not less than ten nor more than twenty

dollars for each offence.

SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That all fines imposed

under this act, whether the same may be recovered

by action for debt in the name of the State, which

process is hereby authorized or secured by public

sale as provided in section five of this act, shall be

divided as follows, viz. : One-half to the informer,

Fines — how

and the other half to the county commissioners of

disposed of

Cecil or Kent counties, respectively, for the use and

benefit of said county, and all moneys accruing from

the sale of licenses under this act shall be paid over,

at the end of the gunning season, to the commis-

sioners of said counties, respectively, to be applied

by them to the use and benefit of said county.

SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That all persons hold-

ing a license under this act are hereby vested

with power and authority to arrest, without war-

rant, all persons who may be detected by them

Who may ar-

in violating any of its provisions, or of the provi-


sions of article ninety-eight of the Code of Public

General Laws regulating the shooting of wild fowl

remaining in force over said waters after the passage

of this act, and to carry such person or persons be-

fore a justice of the peace, to be dealt with accord-


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Session Laws, 1880
Volume 395, Page 73   View pdf image (33K)
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