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Session Laws, 1880
Volume 395, Page 70   View pdf image (33K)
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seventy-two A, which said section, as so amended,

and which additional section as aforesaid, shall re-

spectively read as follows :

SEC. 72. Upon the meeting of the persons return-

ed elected as Electors of President and Vice-Presi-

dent, or of as many of said persons as may attend on

the day appointed by the constitution and laws of
the United States, the said Electors who are present,

Fill vacancies

before proceeding to perform the duties reposed in
them, shall fill any vacancy which may exist in the

said College of Electors, at snch meeting, whether

such vacancy be occasioned by absence or otherwise ;

and the said person or persons so appointed to fill

such vacancy or vacancies shall be entitled to all the

rights and privileges of those proclaimed by the Gov-
ernor as duly elected Electors of President and Vice-

President of the United States.

SEC. 72 A. The Electors for this State shall meet

in the State House, in the city of Annapolis, and

When to

give their votes for President and Yice-President of


the United States at the hour of noon, upon the first

Wednesday in December in the year in which they

are appointed.

Approved March 15, 1880.


AN ACT to permit the shooting of wild fowl from

sink boxes in certain parts of Sassafras River, in

Cecil and Kent counties, west of a line drawn

from Pond's Bar, on the Kent side, to Ordinary

Point Bar, on the Cecil side.

Must obtain

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-


bly of Maryland, That on and after the passage of
this act, it shall be lawful for the bona fide citizens

of Cecil and Kent counties to shoot wild fowl from

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Session Laws, 1880
Volume 395, Page 70   View pdf image (33K)
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