ary session of eighteen hundred and seventy-four,
chapter two hundred, entitled "An act to establish
a State Board of Health," be and the same is hereby
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That a board is hereby
established which shall be known under the name
and style of the State Board of Health of Maryland ;
Name and
it shall consist of seven members, as follows: four
members, one of whom shall be an experienced civil
engineer, and three of whom shall be experienced
physicians, to be appointed by the Governor, with
the advice and consent of the Senate, and a secretary,
as provided in section five of this act; these five,
together with the Attorney General of the State,
and the Commissioner of Health of the City of Balti-
more, who shall be ex-officio members, shall consti-
tute the said board of health. The persons so ap-
Term of of-
pointed by the Governor shall hold office for four
years, provided that those first appointed shall be so
classed by the Governor that the term of office of
two shall expire on the last day of January in every
second year ; thereafter the Governor, with the ad-
vice and consent of the Senate, shall biennially
appoint two members in the place of the two whose
terms shall so expire, who shall hold office for four
years; and all vacancies occurring otherwise shall
be filled by the Governor, with the advice and con-
sent of the Senate.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the State Board
of Health shall have the general care of the sanita-
ry interests of the people of this State ; they shall
make sanitary investigations and inquiries respect-
ing the causes of disease, and, especially, epidemics,
the causes of mortality and the influence of locali-
ty, employments, habits and other circumstances
Make sanita-
and conditions upon the health of the people ; they
ry investiga-
shall inquire into and investigate all nuisances af-
fecting the public health in any county, city or vil-
lage in the State, and are authorized and empower-
ed, by information or petition filed in the name of
the board, to apply to the judges, or to any judge,
of the circuit court for the county in which such
nuisance shall exist, or to the judge of the Circuit
Court of Baltimore city, as the case may be, in term