immoderate driving through the streets of said town,
with carriage, stage, cart, wagon or other vehicle,
or on horseback, so as to endanger the lives, limbs
or property of the citizens, or disturb the quiet en-
joyment of the streets and thoroughfares; to pre-
vent the parading and indecent exhibition of any
stud-horse in said town ; to preserve order and secure
property and persons from violence, danger or destruc-
Preserve or-
tion, and may impose fines, penalties and forfeitures
for the violation of any of said ordinances, but no
fine or penalty shall exceed the sum of ten dollars,
and all fines and penalties imposed by said ordi-
nances shall be collected by suit before a justice of
the peace, in the name of the said corporation, as
other small debts are collected ; and in case of de-
fault of payment of said fines and penalties, and
costs attending the collection of the same, the of-
fender may be imprisoned in the county jail for a
term not exceeding twenty days.
72. They may provide by ordinance for the im-
mediate arrest, without warrant, of any person vio-
lating any town ordinance by riotous or disorderly
conduct, or driving or riding through the streets,
when, in the judgment of the president or of any of
said commissioners, or of the bailiff of said town,
the delay necessary to the issuing of a warrant
would be dangerous to the peace and quiet of the
town, or the lives, limbs or property of the citizens,
and when it shall appear that the offender is intoxi-
Provide for
an est.
cated so as to render it unsafe to permit him to drive
through the streets, shall provide for the removal of
the horse and vehicle without the limits of the
town, or for the deposit thereof in some place of
safety until the offender shall be sober, and to sub-
ject the property so taken and deposited, to the pay-
ment of the costs of the proceedings and of the
keep of said property until the same be released ac-
cording to law.
73. The limits of said town shall be as now es-
tablished, and the said commissioners shall have the
power to determine and establish the limits of said
Limits of
town, and extend the same if they deem it expedient,
and they shall file with the clerk of the Circuit
Court for Cecil county a description of the boun-