AN ACT to refund to Simon Levi the sum of twen-
ty-five dollars erroneously paid into the State
Treasury, and to pay Geddes and Company, Gault
and Son, S. M. Hamilton and Company, Shoop
and Sadler, Miller and Brother, Maxwell and
Company, J. W. Loane, and C. F. Rappanier.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted ly the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the Comptroller be and is here-
by authorized and directed to draw his warrant upon
the Treasurer, payable to the order of Simon Levi
of Baltimore city, for the sum of twenty-five dollars
erroneously paid into the State Treasury, this claim
having been presented to the officers of the Treas-
ury Department and reported on by them ; to pay
for work done and material furnished at State House
of Correction, to Geddes and Company, tin and gal-
vanized work, two hundred and eighty-nine dollars
and thirty-three cents ; Miller and Brother, paint-
ing and glazing, one hundred and fifty-nine dollars
to disburse.
and twenty-four cents; Gault and Son, slating,
&c., one hundred and fifty dollars and eighty-seven
cents ; Maxwell and Company, blue stone work, two
hundred and seventy-three dollars and twenty-six
cents ; S. M. Hamilton and Company, cement, two
hundred and three dollars and four cents ; J. "W".
Loane, brickwork, two hundred and ninety-six dol-
lars and fourteen cents; Shoop and Sadler, sash,
frames, &c., sixty-two dollars and forty-two cents ;
C. F. Rappanier, granite work, &c., two hundred
and sixty-eight dollars and fifty-three cents.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 14, 1880.