President of the Senate and Speaker of the House of
Delegates, one hundred and twenty-thousand dollars,
or so much thereof as may be necessary ; for the
printing of the General Assembly for eighteen hun-
dred and eighty-two, thirty-eight thousand dollars,
or so much thereof as may be necessary ; for bind-
Officers and
ing the laws, journals and documents of said session
members of
the Legisla-
tuie, &c.
of the General Assembly, three thousand dollars, or
so much thereof as may be necessary; for indexing
the journals and documents of the Senate and
House of Delegates, seven hundred dollars ; for in-
dexing the laws, three hundred and fifty dollars ; to
the Secretary of the Senate and Chief Clerk of the
House of Delegates for copying and arranging for
publication the laws of said session and for salaries
during the recess of the Legislature, six hundred
dollars each, twelve hundred dollars.
To the Maryland Penitentiary for the support of
the institution, ten thousand dollars, or so much
thereof as may be necessary.
Payment of
interest o n
For the payment of the interest on the public debt
of the State, including cost of exchange, remittance
and commission for so much thereof as is payable
public debt
in London, six hundred and fifty thousand dollars,
or so much thereof as may be necessary.
To the two night watchmen of the public build-
ings, six hundred dollars each, twelve hundred dol-
lars ; to the person employed to take care of the
public buildings and grounds, six hundred dollars ;
to the person employed to attend the room of the
Court of Appeals, one hundred dollars ; to the Mes-
For miscella-
senger of the Governor, one thousand dollars ; to the
neous purpo-
person employed to take care of the Governor's
Mansion and the furnaces thereof, six hundred dol-
lars ; to the keeper of the State House and Record
Office furnaces, and to his assistant, six hundred dol-
lars each, twelve hundred dollars ; for insurance on