otherwise appropriated, to be placed to the credit of
the free school fund in accordance with the provi-
sions of the act of December session, eighteen hun-
dred and thirty-nine, chapter thirty-three, and sub-
stituted for the interest on the surplus revenue as
provided in said act; provided, that the sum of one
hundred thousand dollars of the receipts from public
school tax shall be distributed for colored schools
after deducting the amount payable to the colored
Normal School, and the balance to be distributed to
the white schools, the State Normal School for
whites, and the State Board of Education ; and the
State Normal School for whites shall not receive
more than eight thousand dollars. That the Comp-
troller, in apportioning the five hundred thousand
dollars appropriated by this section, shall not pay to
the Principal of the State Normal School, either
directly or indirectly, a sum above two thousand
dollars, and that the State Board of Education is
hereby prohibited from paying to the said Principal
of the State Normal School any amount of the
For free pub-
money hereby appropriated to the said Board of
lic schools,&c
Education ; and that the balance of the eight thou-
sand dollars, hereby so appropriated, shall be paid to
the State Board of Education and by them disbursed ;
for donations to Colleges, Academies and Schools as
per acts and resolutions heretofore passed, forty
thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be
necessary ; provided, that none of the appropriations
to Colleges, Schools and Academies shall be paid to
any such institution, unless said institution shall
have made a full report as required by section four
of article eighty four of the Code of Public General
Laws ; to the Deaf and Dumb Asylum of Frederick,
for the education of the deaf and dumb, twenty-five
thousand dollars; to the Maryland Agricultural
College, five dollars and no more ; to St. Mary's In-
dustrial School, twelve thousand five hundred dollars;
to the Maryland Industrial School for Girls, three
thousand dollars.
To pay the members and officers of the General
Assembly, including postage, stationery, mileage
and miscellaneous expenses and the per diem of the