or similar implement, in the waters of said river,
without first having been licensed as hereinafter pro-
SEC 2. And be it enacted, That the Comptroller
of the Treasury shall, upon the application of any
person who has been a resident-citizen of this State
Issue license
for twelve months next preceding such application,
and who is the bona fide owner of the boat or vessel
sought to be licensed, and to no other person, issue
a license to use such boat or vessel in catching oys-
ters with scoop, dredge, drag or similar implement
within such of the waters of the Potomac River as
are not prohibited by the provisions of this act,
which license shall hold good for one year, but
shall only authorize the catching of oysters between
the fifteenth day of October and the first day of
April ; but it shall be lawful for the licensed owner
of any such boat, whenever such owner shall sell
and convey by bill of sale for a bona fide consider-
ation said boat to any person who has been a resi-
dent of this State for the twelve consecutive months
next preceding such sale, to transfer the said license
May transfer
to said vendee with said boat, which license, when so
transferred, shall entitle said vendee with said boat
to the same privileges for catching oysters in the
waters of the Potomac River that the vendor had
before such sale, provided that said vendee shall ap-
pear before the Comptroller of the Treasury and
make oath before him to all the facts, matters, things
and prerequisites required of said original vendor be-
fore taking out such license, upon which said license
said Comptroller shall certify the fact of said ven-
Certify to fact
dee having taken said oath, and for which the said
of oath.
vendee shall pay the sum of five dollars, to be paid
to the State of Maryland.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the owner of
such boat shall make oath before the Comptroller
or his clerk that he is the bona fide owner of such boat
Not to vio-
to be described in the license : that he has been a
late the pro-
resident-citizen of the State for the time beforemen-
visionsof this
tioned ; that there is no lien on said boat held by a
non-resident, and that said boat shall not be used
in violating the provisions of this act ; such appli-
cant shall exhibit to the Comptroller at the time of