AN ACT to repeal the act of eighteen hundred and
seventy-eight, chapter seventy-two, entitled " An
act to repeal section fifty-three of article sixteen
of the Code of Public Local Laws," title " Prince
George's county," under the head of collectors,
enacted by the act of eighteen hundred and sixty-
eight, chapter three hundred and thirty, and to
re-enact the same with amendments and add ad-
ditional sections thereto, and to repeal and re-en-
act said section fifty-three of article sixteen of the
Code of Public Local Laws, title " Prince George's
county," as enacted by the said act of eighteen
hundred and sixty-eight, chapter three hundred
and thirty, and to add three new sections thereto,
to be designated as section fifty-four, section fifty-
five, section fifty-six, relating to the duties of the
county commissioners for said county in regard
to the county printing.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the act of eighteen hundred
and seventy-eight, chapter seventy-two, entitled
" An act to repeal section fifty-three of article six-
teen of the Code of Public Local Laws," title
" Prince George's county," under the head of " Col-
lectors," enacted by the act of eighteen hundred
and sixty-eight, chapter three hundred and thirty,
and to re-enact the same with amendments and add
Repealed and
additional sections thereto, be and the same is here-
with amend-
by repealed, and said section fifty-three of article
sixteen of the Code of Public Local Laws, title
" Prince George's county," as enacted by the said
act of eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, chapter
three hundred and thirty, be and the same is hereby
repealed and re-enacted with amendments, and three
new sections be added thereto, to be designated as
sections fifty-four, fifty-five and fifty-six, relating to