AN ACT to prevent encroachment upon or ob-
struction of the public roads of Washington coun-
ty, by adding additional sections to article twenty-
one of the Code of Public Local Laws, title
" Washington county," sub-title " Roads," to be
known as sections two hundred and thirty-four
A, two hundred and thirty-four B, and two hun-
dred and thirty-four C.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted ty the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the following additional
sections be added to article twenty-one of the Code
of Public Local Laws, title " Washington county,"
sub-title " Roads," to be known as sections two hun-
dred and thirty-four A, two hundred and thirty-four
15, and two hundred and thirty-four C.
SEC. 234 A. It shall not be lawful for any person
Not to ob-
to encroach upon or to obstruct the county roads of
struct roads
Washington county.
SEC. 234 B. Upon complaint of one or more tax-
payers of Washington county to the County Commis-
sioners of Washington county, of any person or
persons having encroached upon or obstructed the
county roads by setting out fences, or hauling or
throwing obstructions on said roads, the county com-
missioners shall direct the county surveyor to make
a survey of said road and ascertain the correct
Make survey.
location of the centre line, and after marking with
stakes the outside lines of said road as originally
laid out, he shall report to the County Commission-
ers of Washington county, at their next meeting, the
name or names of such persons or person who have
encroached upon with fences or otherwise obstructed
said road ; the said county commissioners shall then
pass an order notifying such person or persons to set
back their fences so as to give to said road its legal
width, or to remove the obstructions, as the case may
be, and place a copy of said order in the hands of the