AN ACT to authorize and empower the County
Commissioners of Washington county to sub-
scribe to the capital stock of turnpikes in said
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the County Commissioners
of Washington county be and they are hereby au-
thorized and empowered to subscribe to the capital
stock of turnpike companies organized subse-
quent to the first day of January, eighteen hundred
and seventy-nine, or hereafter to be organized for the
construction of turnpike roads in said county, in the
Subscribe to
capital Block.
name and for the benefit of said county, such sum
or sums of money not to exceed in any case more
than one-half of the estimated cost of said turnpikes,
in such manner and upon such terms and conditions
as are hereinafter set forth and prescribed.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That whenever any
twelve citizens of said county, residents and tax
Required for
payers thereof, shall desire to construct a turnpike
public use.
road over any public road bed in said county, they
shall petition the county commissioners for that pur-
pose, setting forth that such turnpike is required for
the use of the public, and the county commissioners
shall thereupon appoint three discreet and compe-
tent persons, residents and tax payers of the district
or districts through which said road is to be made, and
who have a knowledge of the extent to which it is
used, who shall, together with the surveyor of the
county, examine said road and report to the county
commissioners if said turnpike is required for the
use of and the convenience of the public, together
with the length and estimated cost per mile thereof;
and if the said examiners shall so decide that the
cost per mile.
said turnpike is required for the public use, the
county commissioners shall, in their discretion, sub-
scribe for one half of the amount estimated as nec-
essary to construct said turnpike whenever the said
petitioners, or as many of them as shall be necessary,