AN ACT to repeal chapter four hundred and forty-
nine of the acts of eighteen hundred and seventy-
eight, entitled "An act to protect Fish and Water
Fowl in the waters of the Elk river in Cecil
county, northward of a line therein specified,"
and to enact a substitute therefor regulating the
splashing for fish in the waters of the Elk and
Bohemia rivers in said county.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That chapter four hundred and
Repealed and
forty-nine of the acts of January session, eighteen
hundred and seventy-eight, entitled "An act to pro-
enacted in
lieu thereof
tect Fish and Water Fowl in the waters of the Elk
river in Cecil county, northward of a line therein
specified," be and the same is hereby repealed and
the following enacted in lieu thereof:
1. It shall not be lawful for any person to lash or
Not lawful to
beat the waters of the Elk and Bohemia rivers with
lash or beat
rods, poles or sticks, or any other instrument, or to
the waters.
make noises on the decks of any boat or any part
of said boat for the purpose of driving fish into any
net or seine within a half mile of Plum, Locust,
Henderson's, Rich Neck, Welsh, Lorts or Oldfield's
points or Heron island on the Elk river, or Town,
Rich, Parlor, Long, Hackett's or George's point on
the Bohemia river, when said points and island are
occupied by persons engaged in gunning for wild
fowl with decoys in the water, nor within a half
mile of the bridge over the Bohemia river when oc-
cupied by persons gunning for wild fowl from said
Consent to be
bridge, unless the consent of such persons is first ob-
tained to such fishing as aforesaid. Nor shall it be
lawful to fish as aforesaid on the waters of the Elk
and Bohemia rivers from the first day of April to
the first day of September of each year.
2. Any person violating any of the provisions of
Fines? how
this act shall, upon arrest and conviction thereof be-
reco vel ed.
fore a justice of the peace in and for Cecil county,