commissioners, which shall be open at all times for
the inspection of any person interested, and the said
clerk shall make oat and furnish the collector, once
in every year, a list of taxes for collection.
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That the said com-
Pass ordi-
missioners may pass ordinances to preserve the
health of the town, preventing the erection of all
privies, sinks or any place for the deposit of refuse
and unwholesome matter, without cement cases for
the contents of the same ; to prevent and remove
nuisances ; to prevent, restrain or regulate the run-
ning at large of horses, cattle, swine and geese within
Prohibit fir-
the limits of said town ; to prohibit the firing of
ing of guns,
guns and pistols, or the shooting of fire crackers
within said town ; to prohibit and disperse the
tumultuous meetings of idle, dissolute or drunken
persons ; to provide for working and mending the
public streets ; to provide for the paving of the side-
walks and gutters, and generally to provide for the
regulation, good government and improvements of
said town, and may enforce the observance thereof
under such penalties, fines and forfeitures as they
shall deem proper, not exceeding ten dollars for any
one offence ; and all such fines, penalties and for-
feitures may be recovered before a justice of the
peace by warrant, judgment and commitment, for a
period not exceeding ten days, to the public jail of
Worcester county, in the same manner that commit-
ments are made for fines imposed by the Circuit
Courts of this State on conviction for misdemeanor ;
but the said commissioners, or a majority of them,
Power to re-
shall have power at any time to remit or release the
said fines, penalties, forfeitures and costs, or any
part thereof, at their discretion ; but any party fined
or subjected to any penalty or forfeitures, may,
within five days after the same shall be imposed and
judgment recovered, supersede or stay the same for
thirty days by giving ample personal security to the
justice of the peace; and the said commissioners
may purchase a suitable piece of land, and cause to
be erected thereon a strong room or lock-up for the
detention of violators of the ordinances of said town ;
provided the cost of said lock-up and lot of ground
does not exceed the sum of one hundred dollars.