Courses and
degrees east, nine perches and twelve links; north
fifty-six degrees east, ten perches; north thirty -six
degrees east, twelve perches; north twenty-eight
degrees east, twenty perches; north forty-one de-
grees east, forty perches, to a point opposite to
where Miles Run empties into the northwest fork
of the Nanticoke river; thence crossing the said
northwest fork south sixty-eight degrees east, ten
perches, to a point at or near the mouth of Miles
Run; thence with said Miles Run and its mean-
derings (the same being the boundary between
the first and twelfth election districts of Dorches-
ter county), north thirty-three degrees east, thirty-
six perches; north sixty-five degrees east, ten
perches; north fifteen degrees east, ten perches;
south thirty-eight degrees east, nineteen perches;
north five degrees west, sixteen perches; north
thirty degrees east, twenty-two perches; south
seventy-seven degrees east, twelve perches; south
ninety degrees east, twenty-two perches: south
seventy five degrees east, six perches; south twen-
ty-nine degrees east, six perches; south thirty-one
degrees east, twelve perches; north seventy-six
degrees east, eight perches; north fifty-four de-
grees east, twelve perches; south eighty-five de-
grees east, twenty perches, to the county road from
Johnson's Cross Roads to Federalsburg, which
county road is also the boundary between Dor-
chester and Caroline counties; and thence with
the same and bounded thereby, north thirty-one
degrees west, two hundred and thirty-six perches;
south eighty-two degrees west, fifty-six perches, to
the place of beginning, be transferred to Caroline
county, and shall hereafter form a part of the fifth
election district of said last named county. Pro-
vided the provisions of this act as to taking census
of the people and the sense of the qualified voters
residing within the area of Dorchester county
aforesaid shall be complied with in accordance
with the constitution of this State.
Line describ-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the line described
in the foregoing section shall hereafter be, to the
extent thereof, the boundary line between the
counties of Dorchester and Caroline, and all resi-