ing to and held by the said University, or the re-
gents thereof, situate at and about the southwest
and northeast corners or intersections respectively
of Green and Lombard streets, in the city of Balti-
more, and known as the Medical College and In-
firmary property, and now being used by the faculty
of physic of said University for the purposes of a
school of medicine and an infirmary or hospital re-
spectively, and the said regents are hereby author-
ized and empowered to execute all such deeds or
deeds, &c.
other instruments or conveyances, and do all such
acts as may be necessary or proper to pass a full
and complete title to the said property or any part
thereof or interest therein, which may be aliened or
disposed of without obligation on the part of the
purchasers or grantees to see to the application of
the money paid.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the money
which shall be derived from the sale or other dispo
sition of the property aforesaid, or any part there-
How applied.
of, shall be applied by the said regents, at the dis-
cretion of said faculty of physic, to the alteration,
improvement and equipment of the buildings, or
any of them now being upon said property, or
the purchase, erection and equipment of other build-
ings, or to both said purposes ; provided always that
all the property so purchased, erected, altered, im-
Held for use
proved or equipped, shall be held by said regents,
of faculty.
in their name, for the exclusive use and benefit of
said faculty of physic, to be by it used and applied
to the purposes and advancement of medical science
and education, and the treatment and care of dis-
ease in connection with said University of Mary-
land and in conformity with its charter.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect immediately from and after its passage.
Approved April 10, 1880.