AN ACT to authorize and empower the County
Commissioners of Washington county to adjust
and settle certain claims for interest on taxes col-
lected by collectors of taxes in said county ; to
discontinue certain suits brought against said col-
lectors and their bondsmen in the Circuit Court
for Washington county, under the provisions of"
section eight hundred and seventy-two of chapter
two hundred and seventy-four, acts eighteen hun-
dred and seventy-six, and to enter certain
judgments in said court obtained satisfied.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the County Commissioners of
Washington county be and are hereby authorized and
directed to inquire and ascertain what amount of
interest, if any, upon the taxes levied by said county
commissioners, has been collected and wrongfully
retained by any collector of taxes for said county,
and by what right and under what circumstances
the same has been so detained ; and the said com-
missioners are further authorized and directed to
Adjust and
adjust and settle with said collectors and their
settle with
bondsmen, all such accounts, according to the equity
and right of the matter; to give receipts and releases
when the amount ascertained to be due the said
county has been paid' over, or when, in their judg-
ment, according to equity and right, the said county
has no claim for such unpaid interest, and such
adjustment and settlement, when made, shall be final
and conclusive; and for the purpose of such adjust-
ment and settlement, all actions heretofore brought
under the provisions of section eighty-seven (2)
of chapter two hundred and seventy-four of the acts
of eighteen hundred and seventy-six shall, at the
discretion of the said county commissioners, be dis-
Acts discon-
continued and abandoned ; and all judgments recov-
ered or entered in any such actions shall be entered
" satisfied," on the dockets of the court, by said coun-
ty commissioners.