of said proceedings, in which book of "Insolvent
Records," whenever any real estate shall have been
sold by said trustee, the said clerk shall record the
petition of insolvent or creditors, as the case may
be, all conveyances relating to said insolvent estate,
to the preliminary or permanent trustee, and the
trustee's report of the sale of said real estate, to-
gether with all orders of the clerk or court, giving
efficacy thereto, for which said record the said clerk
shall receive such fees as are now allowed him for
recording sales of real estate under decrees of courts
Pee of clerk.
of chancery in this State, and in all sales of real or
leasehold estate to be made by the permanent trustee
under the provisions of this article, the same shall
be made in the county or city wherever the said
real or leasehold estate is situated, and after due ad-
vertisement of such sales in at least one newspaper
published in such county or city.
SEC. 28. A discharge duly granted under this act
may be pleaded by a simple averment, that on the
day of its date such discharge was granted to the
Evidence of
party, and setting the same forth in its exact words,
and a certified copy of said discharge shall be suffi-
cient evidence of the fact of said discharge.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 14, 1880.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the name of " The Maryland