13. No deed or conveyance executed, or lien cre-
ated by any banker, broker, merchant, manufacturer
or trader, being insolvent or in contemplation of in-
solvency, shall be lawful or valid if the same shall
contain any preferences, save such as result from
operation of law, and save those for the payment of
wages or salaries to clerks, servants and employees
contracted not more than three months anterior to
When unlaw-
the execution thereof, and all preferences with the ex-
ceptions aforesaid, shall be void, howsoever the same
be made ; provided the grantor or party creating the
said lien or preference shall be proceeded against
under section twenty-four, or apply for the benefit
of this act under section one of said act, within sixty
days after the recording of the deed or conveyance,
or the creation of the said lien or preference, and
shall be declared, or shall become, under the pro-
visions of this act, an insolvent.
14. If the notice to creditors hereby required
shall not be given, or if the insolvent shall fail to
Failure to no-
appear upon any occasion upon which his appear-
ance is required, the court may, in its discretion,
fix another day and order new notice.
16. The clerks of the Circuit Courts may receive
the petitions under this article, and appoint the pre-
liminary trustee mentioned in this article, and ap-
prove his bond, as well as the bond of the permanent
trustee ; take acknowledgments to the deeds to the
Fix day to
preliminary and permanent trustees, and fix the day
or days for the insolvent to appear and answer in-
terrogatories or allegations, and order notices to be
given to the creditors under such rules as the Cir-
cuit Court may prescribe, and shall receive as com-
pensation one dollar.
17. The clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of
Baltimore city may appoint, from among the clerks
in his office, one who shall have the power vested in
the clerks of the circuit courts by the preceding
sections of this article, and shall also have power to
receive the answers of insolvents to interrogatories,
and to report on such interrogatories and answers to
the court, and who shall receive such compensation
as said clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of Bal-