and when such person shall be elected and appointed
as aforesaid, or appointed by the court, he shall give
bond in manner and form as hereinbefore provided
with respect to the preliminary trustee, and there-
upon, immediately upon the filing and approval of
such bond, all said estate, property, rights and claims
shall vest in such permanent trustee ; and such pre-
Execute deed
liminary trustee, if he be a different person from the
permanent trustee, shall execute to him a deed of
the same and duly acknowledge the same; and it
shall be the duty of the debtor, at such meeting, to
answer under oath any interrogatories of the cred-
itors, or any of them, touching his property and the
disposition of the same, his indebtedness, the judg-
ments and suits against him, and as to any matter
relating to his business, and the said clerk or
deputy clerk shall administer to such debtor an oath
that he will speak the whole truth, without conceal-
ment or evasion, in answer to any inquiries which
may be propounded to him at said meeting; and
said clerk or deputy clerk may adjourn said meet-
ing from time to time.
3. The said court, or one of the judges thereof,
may, at any time, order the insolvent to appear and
Answer in-
answer such interrogatories or allegations as his
creditors, endorsers or sureties may propose or allege
against him, and shall order not less than one month's
notice of the day so fixed upon, to be given by the
permanent trustee to the creditors of the insolvent,
in such manner as the court may, by its rules or by
special order, direct.
12. The said courts, or the judges thereof, shall
prescribe the penalty of the bonds of the trustees
and approve the security therein, and may order a
new bond or a new security or securities to be given,
and may remove any trustee on failure in compli-
Approve se-
ance or for incompetency or neglect of his duty,
and shall have all the powers over the trustees, under
this article, which courts of equity have over trustees
appointed by decres to sell property, and the said
courts shall, by their rules, provide the method and
forms for the proof of claims against the estate of