of Public General Laws of the State of Maryland,
entitled 'Revenue and Taxes,' and to re-enact the
same with amendments," as the same were re-enact-
ed and amended by the act of eighteen hundred and
seventy-eight, chapter four hundred and thirteen, be
amended and re-enacted as amended, so that the said
second and third sub-sections, as amended, shall read
as follows :
SUB-SECTION 2. All interests, shares or proportions
owned by residents of this State in all ships or other
vessels registered in a port of Maryland, whether
such ships or other vessels be in or out of port, are
Subject to as-
and shall be subject to valuation and assessment to
the respective owners thereof in the county or city,
in this State, in which such owners shall respective-
ly reside; all real property in this State belong-
ing to any bank incorporated under the laws of this
State, or of any other State, or to any National bank
located in this State, or to any company or corpora-
tion incorporated by or under the laws of this State,
or of any other State, or under the laws of the
United States, or of any Territory, or to any joint
stock company doing business in this State, are and
Levy taxes.
shall be subject to valuation, assessment and levy of
taxes thereon for State, county and municipal pur-
poses by the county commissioners of the respective
counties in which such real property is situated, or
by the Appeal Tax Court of Baltimore city, if such
real property is located in said city, as the property
of such bank, company, corporation or joint stock
company, and such bank, company, corporation or
joint stock company shall pay the taxes thereon so
assessed and levied.
All shares in any joint stock company, and all
shares of stock in any bank, incorporated under the
laws of this State, or in any National Batik located
in this State, or in any corporation incorporated un-
der the laws of this State, other than railroad com-
panies working their respective railroads by steam-
power, not exempted from taxation by irrepealable
Subject to as-
contract with this State, are and shall be subject to
valuation and assessment to the owners thereof in
the county or city in this State in which such own-
ers may respectively reside, in the manner provided
for by the laws of this State ; and the taxable values