ation hereby created to the amount of two hundred
thousand dollars shall have been received by said .
commissioners, the subscribers thereto, their future
associates, successors and assigns, shall forthwith be
and they are hereby created and declared a body
Body corpo-
corporate, by the name and style of the Chamber of
Commerce Building Company, and by that name
shall sue and be sued and have perpetual succession,
with power to make and use a common seal and
alter and renew the same at pleasure, and to estab-
Establish by-
lish, alter and repeal, in such mode as said corpora-
tion may prescribe, such by-laws, rules and regula-
tions, not inconsistent with the constitution and laws
of this State or the United States, as it may deem
necessary for its government and the management
of its affairs.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the object and
business of the said Chamber of Commerce Build-
Erect and
ing Company shall be to erect and maintain a worthy
and proper edifice in the city of Baltimore, a part
a proper edi-
of which shall be suitable for the use of the said
Baltimore Corn and Flour Exchange, the transac-
tions of its business and the accommodation of its
members, and may be used by said Baltimore Corn
and Flour Exchange for so long as it may desire, on
such terms as may be agreed on, and also to provide
Let out and
and let suitable and convenient offices and places of
business in said building for the use of members of
the two said corporations, and others in business pur-
suits, to which end the said Chamber of Commerce
Building Company is hereby empowered to acquire,
improve, let out and use any and all property in the
city of Baltimore which may be necessary or con-
venient for accomplishing the objects of its incor-
poration as hereinbefore set forth, and at pleasure to
dispose of the same or any part thereof.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That as soon as- sub-
scriptions shall have been received to the entire
amount of the capital stock as aforesaid, it shall be
the duty of the commissioners hereinbefore named,
or a majority of them, upon such notice as they may
Call meeting
deem sufficient, to call a meeting of the subscribers
of subscribers
thereto at such place in the city of Baltimore as