ART. 16. ] TRUSTEE. 9
thereof, or whose rights therein will be affected by such distri-
bution or delivery, and such persons shall be known to such
fiduciary to be in existence, but it shall not be known to said
fiduciary whether said persons are residents of this State or
not, or if residents of this State where they may be served
with the process of the court, they may, by special leave of
the court upon good cause shown, be proceeded against as
non-residents; and if their names be not known to such fidu-
ciary, they may be described as nearly as practicable.
1906, ch. 373.
215 c. The said court may assign counsel to protect the
interest of such supposed unknown person or persons known
to exist whose names or places of residence are unknown, and
the fees of such counsel shall be fixed by the court, and be
paid out of said property or such part thereof as the court
shall determine ought to bear the same.
215 D. The three preceding sections shall not be interpreted
as a repeal of construction of existing law, or of the jurisdic-
tion and powers of courts of equity, and the remedy hereby
provided is intended to be additional to and not in substitution
for any other existing remedy. *
Approved April 3, 1906.
1906, ch. 337.
233 A. Whenever a ground rent reserved by lease or sub-
lease heretofore or hereafter created, is now redeemable or
hereafter becomes redeemable, and the owner of the leasehold
or sub-leasehold estate, subject to said rent may desire to
redeem the same, and at the time of such desired redemption
the title of said rent is vested in a trustee under a will, deed
or other instrument for any trust, use or purpose, but without
a power of sale in such trustee, or is vested in a life tenant
with remainder over, vested or contingent, or is vested in the
holder of a defeasible estate, but without a power of sale in
such life tenant or such holder of a defeasible estate, any court
having chancery jurisdiction in the city or county where the
land is situated, out of which said rent is payable, may upon
•Called sections 200 A. 200 B. 800 C and 100 D in the Act.