city and in the county wherein said corporation's principal
office is supposed to be located, a notice informing the public
that said corporation has not complied with the law, and,
therefore, is not a legal corporation, and warning the public
that all acts of the said corporation are illegal and void until
it has complied with the corporation laws of the State. The
treasurer shall also report the fact to the attorney general, who
shall thereupon immediately institute proceedings to enjoin and
restrain such corporation from transacting any business in this
State, and the court before which such proceedings shall be
begun shall be authorized to pass such order or decree, and to
issue such process in the premises to enforce the compliance
of such corporation with the provisions of this statute, or to
restrain the transaction of business by such corporation in
this State as it may deem proper. For each and every day
that said corporation attempts to transact business in this
State without having complied with the requirements of sec-
tion 98, it shall forfeit to the State of Maryland the sum of
one hundred dollars; said sum to be collected as any other
debt. Nothing in this section shall apply to national banks.
Approved March 22, 1906.
Lighting: Companies.
1906, ch. 167.
143 A. Whenever any two or more corporations of this
State are engaged in furnishing to the public light by the same
or different processes in the same town or city, and the holders
of a majority of stock therein shall believe that such corpora-
tions can furnish a cheaper and better service by co-operation
for that purpose, and shall authorize the exercise of the powers
herein given, such corporations, in addition to the right to con-
solidate, as provided in section 45 of this Article are hereby
empowered to secure such joint operation by one of said cor-
porations becoming the lessee of the property and franchises of
the others, or the owner of stock therein.
Approved April 3, 190G.
Life Insurance Companies—Deferred Dividend Policies.
1906, ch. 273.
198 A. No life insurance company authorized to transact
business in this State shall hereafter issue to or upon the life