1906, ch. 331.
34. Any person or persons, firm or corporation violating
the provisions of sections 29 to 33 hereof, inclusive, shall be
fined not less than one nor more than five dollars for each
offense, and the use, sale or manufacture of each barrel, basket,
box, half-box or package so unlawfully marked shall constitute
a separate offense; said fines to be collected as other fines are
now collected, one-half thereof to be paid to the informer and
one-half to the State of Maryland.
Approved April 3, 1906.
Wild Fowl on Patuxent and
51. Non-resident gunner; license;
clerk's fee for issuing; viola-
tions; penalty.
52. Penalty for assisting unlicensed
53. Boatmen must secure license to
convey gunners; penalty.
54. Time for trapping and gunning; penalty.
55. Bights of owners to be protected; penalty.
58. Penalty for killing game on Sun-
Wild Fowl on Patuxent and Tributaries.
1904, ch. 509. 1906, ch. 471 1/2, sec. 1.
61. It shall not be lawful for any person not a bona fide resi-
dent of the State of Maryland to hunt, shoot or trap within the
State, upon the waters of the Patuxent river, its tributaries or
marshes of said river or tributaries, any wild geese, wild duck,
snipe, ortolan, reed bird or wild fowl of any description at any
season of the year, unless such non-resident person shall have
first obtained from the clerk of the circuit court of one of the
counties bordering on said river a license permitting such
person named in said license to hunt, shoot or trap the said
birds and wild fowl upon the waters of the said river, its tribu-
taries, or the marshes of said river or tributaries; and the said