ART. 91. ] STATE ROAD NO. 1. 161
railways shall be so constructed as to give absolutely safe and
easy approach to and crossing thereof; and in case of failure
so to construct, the said commission shall construct the same,
and upon certification of said construction and the cost thereof,
after due notification to such company to construct and its
failure so to do, the cost thereof shall ex parte be rendered a
judgment against such company by any justice of the peace in
such counties before whom such proceedings shall have been
1006, ch. 312, sec. 5.
25 E. For the purpose of building and constructing and main-
taining said road or highway, the said commission is authorized
and directed to make requisition on the directors of the Maryland
house of correction for as many inmates thereof as may be neces-
sary for the said purpose of building and constructing said high-
way, and the said directors are directed to furnish the same with
such guards or keepers as can be spared from their duties at said
house of correction, and any additional guards or keepers nec-
essary to the safe keeping of said inmates shall be furnished and
appointed by said commission. The said commission shall, in
conjunction with the aforesaid board of directors of the house
of correction, provide for the maintenance and safekeeping of
said inmates of the house of correction.
Ibid. sec. 6.
25 F. For the purpose of carrying out the provision of sections
25 A to 25o the sum of thirty thousand dollars is hereby appro-
priated out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appro-
priated, to be used during the current year of 1906, and to be
paid by the warrant of the comptroller on the treasury upon
certificate of the said commission, as directed by them; and
the further sums of thirty thousand dollars each annually for
the fiscal years of 1907 and 1908 are appropriated for this
Ibid. sec. 7.
25 G. The said commission is authorized to purchase such
machinery,, teams, implements and materials, and employ such
assistants as may be necessary to the proper construction
of said road or highway out of the sums appropriated by sec-
tion 25 F of this sub-title, and use the same in the construction
of said road or highway, and after its completion the same
shall be and remain as the property of the State of Maryland.
Approved April 2, 1906.