also to execute, acknowledge and deliver for and on behalf of
the State of Maryland all the necessary deeds, conveyances or
other legal instruments therefor; provided, any and all sums
of money derived from the sale, lease or other disposition of
the State tobacco warehouse property under these provisions
shall be placed to the credit of the State tobacco fund.
Approved March 22, 1906.
1906, ch. 185, sec. 1.
15. Whenever the board of public works in the exercise
of the authority vested in them by the constitution shall
determine to sell the State's interest in any or all works of
internal improvements, whether as a stockholder or as a
creditor, or its interest in any banking corporation, they shall
before making such sale or sales advertise for sealed pro-
posals for the space of sixty days in such newspapers as
they shall think fit, for the purchase of said interest of the
State in said work or works of internal improvement, or in
said banking corporation or corporations, and at the time
and place named in said advertisement or advertisements
they shall open said sealed proposals publicly in the pres-
ence of such persons as shall choose to attend, and if the
price or prices offered by the highest bidder or bidders shall
in their judgment be sufficient, they shall sell the said interest
so offered for sale to the highest bidder or bidders, and by such
apt and sufficient conveyance or conveyances or other instru-
ments as the attorney general shall approve they shall transfer
to the purchaser or purchasers the interest so sold to him or
them, but if the highest price or prices shall in their judgment
be insufficient they shall have the power, and it shall be their
duty, to reject said bid or bids; the provisions of this section
being subject, however, to the proviso contained in the follow-
ing section in relation to the sale of the fifty-five hundred
shares of the capital stock held by the State in the Washington
branch of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company.
Ibid. sec. 2.
16. The board of public works are authorized and directed
whenever they shall determine it shall be for the best inter-
est of the State, to sell the whole or any part of the following
State stocks and securities, to wit, fifty-five hundred shares
of the capital stock of the Washington branch of the Baltimore