be guilty of felony, and being convicted thereof shall be pun-
ished by imprisonment in the penitentiary for not less than
two nor more than ten years.
1890, ch. 98.
397. Any person who with intent to extort money or pro-
cure other profit shall falsely accuse or threaten to accuse
another of any crime, or of anything which if the accusation
were true would tend to bring him into contempt or disrepute,
shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by impris-
onment in jail or the house of correction not exceeding two
Toy Pistols.
1888, art. 27, sec. 258. 1682, ch. 424, sec. 1.
398. It shall be unlawful for any person within this State
to manufacture or to sell, barter or give away the cartridge toy
pistol to any one whomsoever. Any person violating this
section shall on conviction thereof pay a fine of not less than
fifty nor more than two hundred dollars, together with the
costs of prosecution, and upon failure to pay said fine and
costs shall be committed to jail and confined therein until such
fine and costs are paid, or for the period of sixty days, which-
ever shall first occur.
Traction Engines.
Ibid. sec. 259. 1884, ch. 170, sec. 1.
399. Every traction engine, when propelled by steam upon
or over any public road in this State shall be accompanied by
at least two men, whose duty it shall be to so conduct the
engine as to cause as little alarm as possible to horses ridden,
driven or led upon such road, and to render at all times all
reasonable assistance to persons so riding, driving or leading
horses upon such road.
Miller v. Addison, 96 Md. 733.
Ibid. sec. 260. 1884, ch. 170, sec. 2.
400. The person in charge of said engine, at the signal
or request of any person riding a horse, or of any person
leading or driving a horse or horses attached to any vehicle,
or at the indication of such horse or horses becoming alarmed
by said engine, shall go as far as practicable to the side of the