county or city on the lines of said roads shall arrest all such
persons at any of the places aforesaid on the same knowledge
and proof of their being common thieves or pickpockets as pro-
vided in the preceding section, and the said justice shall commit
or bail such persons on the same knowledge or proof. Any per-
son convicted in any county on the line of said roads with being a
common pickpocket shall be punished by fine or imprisonment
in the jail of the county for the same time and in the same
amount as provided in the preceding section; and all the pro-
visions of the preceding sections shall apply to all cases under
this section, except so far as altered by this section.
1888, art. 27, sec. 257. 1864, ch. 38
394. Any person convicted in any county of this State of
the offense of being a common thief or common pickpocket
shall be fined and imprisoned in the county jail for the same
amount or time as provided in section 392, and the provisions
of said section shall apply to this section, except so far as
altered by this section.
Threats and Threatening Letters.
1896, ch. 396, sec 257 A.
395. Every person who shall knowingly send or deliver, or
shall make, and, for the purpose of being delivered or sent,
shall part with the possession of any letter or writing with or
without a name subscribed thereto, or signed with a fictitious
name, or with any letter, mark or other designation, threaten-
ing therein to accuse any person of any crime of an indictable
nature under the laws of this State, or of anything, which, if
true, would bring such person into contempt or disrepute or
to do any injury to the person or property of anyone, with a
view or intent to extort or gain any money, goods or chattels
or other valuable thing shall be guilty of felony, and being
convicted thereof shall be punished by imprisonment in the
pentitentiary for not less than two nor more than ten years.
Ibid. sec. 257 B.
396. Every person who shall verbally threaten to accuse
any person of any crime of an indictable nature under the laws
of this State, or of anything which, if true, would bring such
person into contempt or disrepute, or to do any injury to the
person or property of anyone, with a view to extort or gain
any money, goods or chattels or any other valuable thing shall