60 To have a common seal.
61. To acquire and hold property.
62. To appoint and pay a president
and other officers.
63. To make by-laws.
64. To have no powers but those
conferred or necessarily im-
65. To be managed by trustees,
directors, or managers.
66. Elections to be by ballot.
67 Vacancies, how filled.
68. Omission to hold election not to
dissolve corporation.
69. How subscriptions may be made.
70. Books to show what property
was received for stock.
71. Stock to be personal estate
72. Individual liability of stock-
holders for debts.
73. Certificate of payment for stock.
74. What stockholders not to be In-
dividually liable.
75. Dividends when insolvent; lia-
bility of directors for
76. Dissenting directors not liable,
77. Loans may not be made to stock-
holders; proviso
78. Calls for subscriptions.
79. Statement of condition, how
obtained by stockholder.
80. List of stockholders.
81. Semi-annual statement of assets
and liabilities
82. Increase or reduction of capital
83. Debts to be paid before stock
is reduced.
84. Notice of meeting of stockhold-
ers to increase or diminish
capital stock.
85. Two-thirds vote necessary.
86 Certificate of such increase or
87. Par value of stock, how to be
88. Notice of meeting of stock-
89. Existing corporations may be-
come incorporated under this
90. Notice of meeting of stock-
91. Certificate of such incorporation.
92. How executed and approved;
effect of.
93. Corporations to be subject to
changes in laws.
94. All safe deposit, trust and fidel-
ity companies to make, annual
report to the treasurer of
Mayland. What report shall
95. State treasurer to examine such
96. What inquiry to be made in
such examination.
97. Treasurer to order discontinu-
ance of any violation of char-
98. Deposits by guarantee compa-
nies to be made with State
99. In case of neglect to make de-
posit, attorney general to
institute proceedings against
such company.
100. Limitation of such deposit.
101. False swearing as to report and
examination to be deemed
102. Treasurer shall surrender de-
posits; when.
103. Treasurer to report to general
104. Liability of stockholders to de-
105. Remedy to enforce such lia-
106. Securities that may be deposited
with treasurer by life and acci-
dent insurance, safe deposit,
trust, guaranty, loan and
fidelity companies.