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The Maryland Code Public General Laws, 1904
Volume 393, Page 2110   View pdf image (33K)
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the first day of September, or any squirrel between the first day
of December and the first day of September, under a penalty of
not less than one ($1) dollar nor more than two ($2) dollars for
each of the aforesaid birds or game animals so had in posses-
sion, exposed for sale, bought or sold.

1898, ch. 206, see. 15 F.

20. No person shall have in possession, expose for sale, sell
or buy any of the aforesaid birds or game animals, alive or
dead in said city of Baltimore, or in any of the aforesaid
respective counties during the aforesaid respective closed
seasons or dates between which, in said city or counties, it is
made unlawful, by the preceding sections of this sub-title, to
shoot or have the same in possession, whether such birds or
game animals so had in possession, exposed for sale, sold or
bought, shall have been shot, or in any manner caught or
'killed in that county, or in any other county of this State, or in
any other State, territory or country, under a penalty for the
having in possession, exposing for sale, selling or buying of
each such bird or game animal, similar in amount, respectively,
to that hereinbefore made and provided for the illegal shooting
or having in possession of the same; but nothing in this
section or the preceding sections contained shall be so con-
strued as to prevent any person or corporation from having in
his or its possession, at any time, any live birds or game
animals, for the purpose of stocking lands in this State.
Dickhaut v. State, 85 Md. 459.

Ibid. sec. 15 H.

21. No person shall in this State, at any time shoot or in
any manner catch or kill, expose for sale, sell or buy, or have
in possession, alive or dead, any turkey buzzard, wren, spar-
row, bttiebird, humming-bird, blue jay, migratory or other
thrush, wood-robin, red-breasted robin, martin, mocking-bird,
catbird, swallow, oriole, redbird, lark, indigo-bird, joe wink,
pewitt, sapsucker, whippoorwill, goldfinch, yellow-breasted
chat, cedar bird, herring gull or mackerel gull, or gull of any
description, under a penalty of not less than one ($1) dollar
nor more than five ($5) dollars for each such bird so shot,
caught, killed, exposed for sale, sold, bought or had in pos-
session; and no person shall under like penalty, have in his
or her possession, offer for sale or wear the skins, plumage,
wings or feathers of any of the birds, the catching or killing
of which is prohibited by this section; provided however,


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The Maryland Code Public General Laws, 1904
Volume 393, Page 2110   View pdf image (33K)
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