1898, ch 206, sec 15 B.
16. No person shall shoot or in any manner catch or kill in
this State any doves between the twenty-fourth day of Decem-
ber and the fifteenth day of August following, under a penalty
of not less than one ($1) dollar nor more than two ($2) dollars
for each dove so shot, caught or killed.
Ibid. sec. 15 C.
17. No person shall shoot or in any manner catch or kill in
this State any snipe or plover between the first day of May
and the fifteenth day of August in each and every year, under
a penalty of not less than one ($1) dollar nor more than two
($2) dollars for each such bird so shot, caught or killed; pro-
vided, however, that this section shall not apply to Worcester
Ibid. sec. 15 D.
18i No person shall shoot or in any manner catch or kill in
this State any water-rail or ortolan or reed-bird, rail-bird or
rice-bird between the first day of November and the first day
of September following, under a penalty of not less than one
($1) dollar nor more than two ($2) dollars for each such bird
so shot, caught or killed.
Ibid. sec. 15 E.
19. No person shall in Baltimore city have in possession,
expose for sale, sell or buy, alive or dead, any partridge or
quail, wild turkey, rabbit or hare between the twenty-fourth
day of December and the first day of November following, or
any American pheasant or ruffled grouse between the twenty-
fourth day of December and the first day of October following;
or any woodcock between the twenty-fourth day of December
and the first day of July following and between the first day of
August and the first day* of November following, or any wild
duck, wild goose, wild swan or wild brant between the tenth day
of April and the first day of November following, under a
penalty of not less than one ($1) dollar nor more than ten ($10)
dollars for each of the aforesaid birds or game animals so had
in possession, exposed for sale, sold or bought; or any doves,
flickers or yellow winged woodpeckers between the twenty-
fourth day of December and the fifteenth day of August; or
any snipe or plover, between the first day of May and the
fifteenth day of August; or any water-rail or ortolan, reed-bird
or rail-bird, or rice-bird between the first day of November and