31 Juiisdiction of justices of the
peace as to prosecutions for
such offenses.
32. Counties not affected by these
gpneral laws.
Baltimore Oriole Icterus.
33. Shooting oi trapping to be un-
34. Penalties.
Game Warden.
35 Appointment of game warden;
salary and expenses , removal.
What the word "game" shall
36. He shall enforce game laws
37. Appointment of deputy game
wardens; their compensation.
38 Commissions to such deputies.
39. Oath and authority of such
40 Badge of office of such warden
and deputies , return of badge ,
41. Dismissal of deputies; how
notice shall be served.
42. Fines to go to wardens as com-
43 Authority of game warden and
deputies upon evidence shown
of unlawful possession of
game or fish.
44. Hearing of said case; judgment
45. Sale of game or fish as specified
in section 44.
46. Disposition of proceeds of sale.
47 Wardens not liable for damages
48. State fishery force to assist game
warden, when.
Otters — Raccoons — Muskrats.
49 Unlawful to catch otters, rac-
coons or muskrats between
1st April and 1st January.
50. Penalty. Excepted counties.
Wild Fowl on Patuxent and
51. Non-resident gunners; license ;
clerk's fee for issuing; viola-
tions; penalty.
52. Penalty for assisting unlicensed
53. Boatmen must secure license to
convey gunners; penalty.
54 Time for trapping and gunning ;
55. Rights of owners of land to be
protected, penalty.
56. Members of gunning clubs may
be legarded as residents,
57. Unlawful to shoot between what
hours, penalty
Wild Fowl.
1888, art 99, sec 1 1860, art. 98, sec. 1. 1842, ch. 61 1860, ch 109, sec. 1.
1. No person shall at any time, in, on, or over the waters of"
the State, shoot at or shoot any water-fowl bedded in flocks,
either upon the feeding or roosting grounds of said water-fowl,
or elsewhere, from any vessel, boat, float, canoe, or any craft
of any kind whatever.
Ibid. sec. 2. 1860, art. 98, sec. 2. 1860, ch 109, sec 2.
21 No person shall at any time, in, on or over the waters of
the State, shoot at or shoot any water-fowl from any booby-
blind, or artificial point erected at a greater distance than one
hundred yards from the natural shore from which the same-
may be extended.